# IRPlayer
### IRPlayer is a powerful video player framework for iOS.
- Use IRPlayer to play video.
— See demo.
- Use IRPlayer to make video player with custom UI.
— See [IRPlayerUIShell](https://github.com/irons163/IRPlayerUIShell)
- Use IRPlayer to play IP Camera stream.
— See [IRIPCamera](https://github.com/irons163/IRIPCamera)
- Use IRPlayer to make Screen Recoder.
— See [IRRecoder](https://github.com/irons163/IRRecoder)
- Use IRPlayer to make RTMP streaming.
— See [IRLiveKit](https://github.com/irons163/IRLiveKit)
- Use IRPlayer to make video player with effects .
— See [IREffectPlayer](https://github.com/irons163/IREffectPlayer)
- Real Live player App.
— See [IRLive](https://github.com/irons163/IRLive)
## Features
- Support Normal video mode.
- Support VR mode.
- Support VR Box mode.
- Support Fisheye mode.
— Support Normal Fisheye mode.
— Support Fisheye to Panorama mode.
— Support Fisheye to Perspective mode.
- Support multi windows.
- Support multi modes selection.
## Install
### Cocoapods
- Add `pod ‘IRPlayer’, ‘~> 0.3.2’` in the `Podfile`
- `pod install`
## Usage
- more examples in the demo applications.
### Basic
self.player = [IRPlayerImp player];
[self.mainView insertSubview:self.player.view atIndex:0];
NSURL * normalVideo = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@”i-see-fire” ofType:@”mp4"]];
NSURL * vrVideo = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@”google-help-vr” ofType:@”mp4"]];
NSURL * fisheyeVideo = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@”fisheye-demo” ofType:@”mp4"]];
#### Set mode and video source.
``` obj-c
switch (self.demoType)
case DemoType_AVPlayer_Normal:
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:normalVideo];
case DemoType_AVPlayer_VR:
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:vrVideo videoType:IRVideoTypeVR];
case DemoType_AVPlayer_VR_Box:
self.player.displayMode = IRDisplayModeBox;
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:vrVideo videoType:IRVideoTypeVR];
case DemoType_FFmpeg_Normal:
self.player.decoder.mpeg4Format = IRDecoderTypeFFmpeg;
self.player.decoder.ffmpegHardwareDecoderEnable = NO;
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:normalVideo];
case DemoType_FFmpeg_Normal_Hardware:
self.player.decoder = [IRPlayerDecoder FFmpegDecoder];
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:normalVideo];
case DemoType_FFmpeg_Fisheye_Hardware:
self.player.decoder = [IRPlayerDecoder FFmpegDecoder];
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:fisheyeVideo videoType:IRVideoTypeFisheye];
case DemoType_FFmpeg_Fisheye_Hardware_Modes_Selection:
self.player.decoder = [IRPlayerDecoder FFmpegDecoder];
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:fisheyeVideo videoType:IRVideoTypeFisheye];
### Advanced settings
NSArray *modes = [self createFisheyeModesWithParameter:nil];
self.player.renderModes = modes;
[self.player replaceVideoWithURL:fisheyeVideo videoType:IRVideoTypeCustom];
- (NSArray<IRGLRenderMode*> *)createFisheyeModesWithParameter:(nullable IRMediaParameter *)parameter {
IRGLRenderMode *normal = [[IRGLRenderMode2D alloc] init];
IRGLRenderMode *fisheye2Pano = [[IRGLRenderMode2DFisheye2Pano alloc] init];
IRGLRenderMode *fisheye = [[IRGLRenderMode3DFisheye alloc] init];
IRGLRenderMode *fisheye4P = [[IRGLRenderModeMulti4P alloc] init];
NSArray<IRGLRenderMode*>* modes = @[
normal.shiftController.enabled = NO;
fisheye2Pano.contentMode = IRGLRenderContentModeScaleAspectFill;
fisheye2Pano.wideDegreeX = 360;
fisheye2Pano.wideDegreeY = 20;
fisheye4P.parameter = fisheye.parameter = [[IRFisheyeParameter alloc] initWithWidth:0 height:0 up:NO rx:0 ry:0 cx:0 cy:0 latmax:80];
fisheye4P.aspect = fisheye.aspect = 16.0 / 9.0;
normal.name = @”Rawdata”;
fisheye2Pano.name = @”Panorama”;
fisheye.name = @”Onelen”;
fisheye4P.name = @”Fourlens”;
return modes;
## Screenshots
| Normal | VR |
|: — -:|: — -:|
|  |  |
| VR Box| Fisheye 360 |
|  |  |
| Panorama| Modes Selection |
|  |  |
| Multi Windows | |
| | |
## Copyright
##### This project has some basic codes from [SGPlayer](https://github.com/libobjc/SGPlayer).
Copyright for portions of project IRPlayer are held by Single, 2017.
All other copyright for project IRPlayer are held by irons163, 2019.